If you have not watched the NEW Roast of Tom Brady on Netflix, you are certainly missing out.
One of the first acts in the roast made a comment, "This roast came at a great time knowing everyone in the world needs a little more laughter right now". Spot on. If there could be more of everyone getting comfortable, with the uncomfortable, more joy could be spread throughout their family and friends' lives.
It should be that simple. Why is there the need for so much hate? If we all had a little more laughter in our lives, maybe the world would be a lighter place. Obviously, this transitions from what hope might look like to most people, to the actual realities we are facing today.
Pick any issue or current event. This concept applies to all of them.
We seem to have lost the sense of a moral code and the fundamental values of all human rights - how is this happening in the land of the free? The leader of the free world? We are now a few generations removed from when religion, no matter which faith you were following, established a moral code from birth for the majority of the American masses. For whatever reasons we want to put on the table, I think we can all agree that this cultural aspect of America has evolved over recent generations. Whether right, wrong, or in-different, due to this moral code not being instilled in the masses of the American population, the children in America are growing up with less structure and freedom then they truly understand or want to believe. Whether you believe in God or not, you can believe in and understand what religion does to a community in regard to creating faith and a moral code. Due to lack of a better solution, the youth of America are now creating their own moral code from the content they are absorbing on social media. There are tremendous benefits and freedoms social media has the opportunity to create, but to the contrary can be used as a dangerous and deceptive weapon to influence the opinions of the followers. The youth of America is not wise enough to create their own solution to this problem, and without a voice in their corner, to help them open their eyes...we are now talking about the moral code of the future leaders of America...
The masses want to believe that humanity does not have the capacity to contain such evil, but history has proven otherwise. If we don't open our eyes, we will watch it happen without saying anything at all. Don't be the one to get roasted...
How do we create a moral code in such an environment? What is right? What is wrong?
How do we educate the youth and spread real news? Real media content? Real solutions?
How about we start with respect. Let's have respect for our fellow human race. White, Black, Brown, Red, or Purple - we are all humans. We all want to love and to be loved. We all want joy and laugher. We all want a better future for the children. It can be that simple.
This simplicity brings us all to the table with a chance to collaborate and work through the opportunities of modern-day society; giving us a chance to nurture genuine solutions-based dialogue.
I had the opportunity join a nice Cristian family for dinner recently. A real family dinner where it started with grace, followed by great conversation, desert and card games. There were no phones, video games or television. Made me think. We can all blame social media, social influence or the media for all our woes but is that the core issue. We all have choices. Blaming the fore mentioned items is purely deflecting the blame. We choose to engage in influences and let that dictate our path. I say, wake up every morning, look in the mirror and hold yourself accountable for your choices and stop deflecting. Be a contributer, be a leader and stop being a follower.